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Voices of Donation

Gary Davison

Gary Davison

As an avid gardener and handyman, Gary Davison knew how to fix, build and plant just about anything you put in front of him. His love for children and helping people was not overlooked. At the age of 63, this loving man passed away from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and fluid around his heart.

His wife, Kathy Davison, fondly remembers her husband. “He loved to give people flowers,” she said. “He was a very loving and giving man.”

His love for helping and giving to others translated into his years in the Army during the Vietnam War. He was a medic and helped wounded soldiers. It further translated even into his passing, as his decision to donate was made evident on his license.

“He always liked to help people and give of himself,” Kathy said. “We know he would want to help others.”

She has received two letters from recipients of her husband’s tissues. “Those letters meant so much to us,” she said. “To know part of him is out there going on is very comforting to all of us.”